PM to Product leader

PM to Product leader


If you are here for the first time I'd like to welcome you with one of my favourite quotes:

"Good leaders must become good servants"
- Robert Greenleaf, 1904

The quote emphasizes the idea that effective leadership involves serving others and putting their needs before one's own.

This emphasizes the importance of leaders serving their followers. The best leaders are those who are dedicated to helping their followers grow and develop, and who are willing to put the needs of others before their own. This requires a high level of humility and a willingness to listen to the concerns and ideas of others.

Lastly, the quote highlights the importance of servant leadership in modern organizations. By focusing on the needs of others and being willing to serve, leaders can build strong relationships with their followers and create a culture of teamwork, respect, and mutual support.

This is very different from being a PM which is a functional manager role where you drive topics mostly alone with the support of others. Having had that experience I know that one needs to unlearn PM (Functional manager) skills to be able to learn Product leader (People manager) skills.

This is exactly why I created this website as I was always missing a simple & accessible go-to resource to provide others guidance.

Up until now there's Reforge and Ahead of product but both are expensive and with barrier of entry.

In this forum I will help you and give guidance based on my decade of experience.

With this being said, I suggest you start from the top with the Leadership section and then move over to the Tactical section.

If you are looking for more and specific guidance I offer paid mentoring and will also rollout a first Product Leadership course (Get early bird discount of 50% if you signup before launch) in 2023.

With this introduction I welcome you to PM to Leader and hope that you will gain valuable knowledge and insights to grow from PM to Product Leader.

I will keep the posts rolling on a month-by-month basis.

Lastly, don't forget to check me out on Twitter

Thank you,

Björn 🐻

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