Hire slow, fire fast

Hire slow, fire fast


In the realm of product leadership, the phrase "hire slow, fire fast" has been uttered repeatedly. It's a unique and tactical approach that focuses on the quality of the workforce over its size, and the efficiency of operations over momentary gains. Here's an in-depth exploration from a product leader's perspective.

1. The "Hire Slow" Philosophy

1.1 The Value of Time

Hiring slowly doesn't suggest dragging the process unnecessarily, but rather taking the necessary time to ensure the right candidate is chosen. It's about investing time in the beginning to find talent that aligns with the company culture, vision, and the specific product goals.

1.2 Quality over Quantity

In the fast-paced world of product management, having the right people on board is more critical than having many. Quality always triumphs over quantity. Every new hire should bring unique value to the team - in terms of skills, experience, or ideas.

1.3 Cultural Fit

When hiring slowly, product leaders can focus on whether the candidate will blend into the company's culture. A mismatch can lead to internal friction, affecting overall productivity.

2. The "Fire Fast" Philosophy

2.1 Rapid Course Correction

Unfortunately, not all hires turn out to be as expected. If a new hire isn't fitting in or delivering as per expectations, it's better to let them go sooner rather than later. The sooner a poor-fit employee is let go, the faster the team can adjust and bounce back.

2.2 Protecting Team Morale

Keeping a problematic or underperforming employee can negatively impact the team's morale and productivity. By acting swiftly, leaders can minimize the potential damage and protect the rest of the team.

2.3 Maintaining a High-Performance Culture

Firing fast helps maintain a high-performance culture by showing that underperformance and disruptive behavior are not tolerated. It sets a clear expectation for existing and future employees.

3. Striking a Balance

The "hire slow, fire fast" philosophy isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Each organization and product team is unique. Product leaders should adjust this approach based on the context, team dynamics, and the specific challenges at hand.

3.1 The Middle Ground

There might be instances where you need to speed up the hiring process due to urgent requirements, or provide additional support to underperforming employees before deciding to let them go. It's all about finding the middle ground and adapting the philosophy to your unique circumstances.

3.2 Ongoing Evaluation

Frequent and transparent evaluations can help maintain a high-performance culture. It's essential to provide regular feedback to your team, and likewise, encourage them to do the same.


The "hire slow, fire fast" philosophy can serve as a compass guiding your product team's hiring and management practices. It's about being thoughtful when bringing people into your team, and decisive when it's time to let them go. However, it's a guideline, not a rule, and should be adapted as per the specific needs and context of your team.

Thank you,

Björn 🐻

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