How to let someone go

How to let someone go


As a Product Leader, managing your team is an integral part of your role. Among the multitude of responsibilities you bear, perhaps the most challenging one is handling underperforming team members. It's a delicate process that, if not executed thoughtfully, can impact your team's motivation and productivity. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to navigate this sensitive situation.

1. Identifying the Issue

The first step in managing an underperforming team member is accurately identifying the issue. Is the underperformance due to a skills mismatch, lack of motivation, personal issues, or inadequate guidance? Once you understand the root cause, you'll be better equipped to approach the situation.

2. Providing Feedback and Support

Before jumping to any conclusions, ensure that you've communicated with the underperforming member about their performance. Honest feedback, constructive criticism, and clear expectations can sometimes turn the situation around. Offering additional support or training might also make a significant difference.

3. Decision Time

If, despite your efforts, there's no improvement, it's time to consider letting the team member go. This decision should not be taken lightly and should always be the last resort.

4. Letting the Team Member Go

4.1. Preparation

Before the termination meeting, prepare thoroughly. Consult with HR and legal teams to understand the correct procedure and legal implications. Additionally, prepare yourself emotionally; it's not easy to let someone go.

4.2. Conducting the Meeting

During the termination meeting, be direct, empathetic, and respectful. Provide clear reasons for the decision and give the person an opportunity to express their feelings.

4.3. Aftermath

After the meeting, document everything that was discussed and ensure that the now-former employee understands the next steps, including any severance packages, benefits, etc.

5. Maintaining Team Morale

5.1. Communication is Key

After the termination, communicate with the rest of the team. While you don't need to share specific details, it's important to acknowledge the change. Failure to communicate can lead to rumors, which can hurt morale.

5.2. Reassurance

Reassure your team that the decision was taken after much consideration and was in the best interest of the team. Make it clear that this doesn't signal a threat to their own job security if they are performing to expectations.

5.3. Mitigate Impact

Assign the former employee's duties to others, ensuring the workload is manageable and that everyone is clear about their new responsibilities.

5.4. Keep the Focus on Growth

Finally, maintain a positive focus on team growth, learning, and development. Reinforce the fact that underperformance is not the end, but an opportunity to grow and learn.


Letting an underperforming team member go is not an easy task, but it can sometimes be necessary for the overall health and productivity of the team. By approaching the situation thoughtfully and prioritizing clear communication, you can navigate this challenging process while keeping the team's motivation high. Remember, the goal is not just to build a successful product, but also a successful and cohesive team.

Thank you,

Björn 🐻

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