Top 10 Traits for Product Leaders

Top 10 Traits for Product Leaders


As a Product Leader & PM having worked with great and horrible leaders, I've seen firsthand how certain traits can lead to success in the field.  

In this post, I'll share the top 10 essential traits that have contributed to my success and that of other Product Leaders.

So here they are: 

1. Visionary 

Product Leaders need to have a clear vision of the product's future and the ability to communicate that vision to their teams. This helps provide direction and motivation, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards the same goal.

Example: When I was building Fitpass we pushed the boundaries by looking beyond what is being used in Romania when going to a gym. 

It is always a plastic card, something we wanted to avoid. So instead we looked at QR code + native Apps & 4G connect (Very good in Romania, especially in the cities) and created a cost-effective yet user-delightful experience when checking in at the gym. 

2. Customer Empathy

Understanding the needs and desires of your customers is essential. Product Leaders must be able to step into the shoes of their users to truly grasp their pain points and design solutions that address those issues effectively.

Tip: Customer is king, not much else to say, just don’t follow it slave-like

3. Decisiveness

Product Leaders are often faced with difficult decisions. The ability to make quick, informed decisions with conviction is crucial to driving the product forward and maintaining momentum.

Example: Sometimes you need to ask or even demand something done at a certain time. However, don’t do this too often and always have cooldown periods for the team or employee after having pushed them. 

4. Adaptability

In the ever-changing world of technology, Product Leaders must be able to pivot and adapt as new information becomes available. Being open to change and embracing new ideas is key to stay relevant and competitive in the market.

Tip: Things change all the time, but stick to your plan as much as possible. However, always have a plan as without it people get lost quickly which creates friction and frustration. 

5. Strong Communication Skills

Effective communication is key to leading a diverse team and collaborating with stakeholders. Product Leaders must be able to articulate their thoughts clearly and concisely, fostering a culture of transparency and trust.

Tip: Always be very clear with what you said and why you say, both verbally and in writing.

I like to add ‘Background’ or ‘Why’ when asking for something so there’s no hesitation or wondering from the employee. 

6. Technical Expertise

While it's not necessary for Product Leaders to be experts in every aspect of their product's technology, a strong understanding of the technical landscape is important. This enables them to make informed decisions and provide guidance to their teams.

Tip: When discussing innovative topics, new features or changes to the product, understanding the underlying tech + stack and its limitations on a high level is really really helpful and speeds up decision making tremendously. 

7. Ability to Prioritize

Product Leaders are constantly juggling multiple tasks and projects. Being able to prioritize effectively and focus on what's most important is critical to driving the product forward and achieving success.

Tip: Leverage roadmap and Product strategy plus ideally strong buying intent or even verbal (or best written) commitment

8. Foster Collaboration

Working closely with cross-functional teams is a key part of a Product Leader's role. Fostering a collaborative environment where everyone's input is valued and respected are always super important as it generates better outcomes. Title and seniority should never stifle people’s willingness to share ideas, challenge things or raise concerns. 

Tip: Be the bridge between your peer's team (other leaders) by being reliable, trustworthy, kind and communicative. Also leverage documentation for async work between teams for speed and efficiency gains.

9. Optimism

The path to success is often filled with obstacles and setbacks. Product Leaders must be able to persevere in the face of adversity, maintaining their optimism, focus and motivation even when the going gets tough.

Example: One time we were long overdue and ridden with frustration with a key product line we were looking to ship. I rallied the people together and made sure working modus operandi was good fist, second discussed on how we can cut all but the essentials then lastly, define next steps so execution is clear.

10. Passion for the Product

Last but not least, Product Leaders must have a genuine passion for their product. This enthusiasm is contagious and can inspire the entire team to work towards a shared vision of success.

Example: The product I’m currently responsible for at Customer Alliance is although ridden with some tech- & architecture debt (All products that are a decade plus old have it), I’m still super excited about how new tech can be brought into it and refactor + improve existing key product lines & features. 


These 10 essential traits are critical for Product Leaders who wish to excel in their field. By working these skills and master these characteristics, you'll be better equipped to lead your team to success and drive innovation at your work while having a great time doing it. 

Thank you,

Björn 🐻

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